Sustainable waste solutions in a circular economy – how to build them?
Boliden Rönnskär produces metals essential for the society. Raw materials come from mines, but Rönnskär is also one of the world’s largest recycling facilities of metals from electronic waste. The part of the materials that can’t be used, becomes waste. The waste requires a final storage that is sustainable, safe and leaves no responsibility to future generations. The final storage at Rönnskär is a deep repository, 300 meters below the smelter. This presentation will tell you the story of Rönnskärs deep repository, including the challenges and benefits.
Ida Tjerngren
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Integer venenatis nulla elit, ac laoreet nunc bibendum vitae. Maecenas non iaculis urna. Donec quis mauris posuere, aliquam leo nec, accumsan ante. Aliquam orci arcu, fringilla sit amet mi interdum, molestie facilisis leo. Nulla ut ante magna. Pellentesque at lacus massa.